What we do

We offer a cross-cultural service and learning trip for youth groups, college-age groups and families, all within an indigenous paradigm.
We plan all of the details, provide all of the resources, and work throughout the year to help you prepare your group to visit! We operate on a 4 year programming rotation that provides new content for your group to engage with each year. Although the teaching and activities change yearly, our heart for reconciliation and relationship remains consistent.
Slam Trips will focus on community service projects and not Vacation Bible School’s. Our desire is to see students come as learners to our culture, and with a servant’s heart. And we don’t believe you can be a very good learner if you’re doing the teaching. So, we will focus the energy of your groups in the direction of service projects, spiritual formation and cultural immersion.
We at S.L.A.M. TRIPS know how important it is for Youth Pastors/Leaders to be able to invest in their students while on service and learning trips, without having to worry about the days programs and activities. Because we live in that awareness, we take care of all the programmatic services, lodging, cultural activities and food for you while you are here, so you can focus your time and attention on your students social and spiritual growth.
Along with service projects such as chopping wood for elders, cleaning brush and garbage from yards, painting over graffiti and painting houses, we will also provide cultural orientation for your group given by local Native Americans, Pow-Wow’s (depending on what week you come), participation in a Native American worship service (guaranteed to be VERY different from the church service you’re used to), a traditional salmon and Indian fry bread dinner with singing and dancing from local Native youth. Based on the year, some examples of cultural immersion activities will include; tour of the Yakama Nation Museum and Cultural center, cooking smores over a fire pit at a locals house, a reservation tour, learning how to set up a tee pee, swimming in the Yakama River, learning traditional Yakama games and learning traditional crafts such as beadworking, native necklaces and earrings, or making tule mats.